The Studiometry Blog

Tuesday, May 8, 2007

Studiometry Invoice Template Forum Archives Available for Download

The Templates section of the Studiometry Forums are available for download via the File Library section of our support site. These files are in webarchive format and include many of the posts related to XML, InDesign, Illustrator, and other Invoice features.

The file library is available at:


Networking Trouble Shooter

We've added a troubleshooter to our support site for users having issues connecting to their server machines. This can be accessed in the TroubleShooter section of our support site at:

We will be adding similar additional content to our support site in the near future.


Studiometry 4.1.3 Released

Studiometry 4.1.3 is a free update fixing a few small issues and adding another localization. The recent date format issue noted here has been fixed completely with this release. This is a free update for all registered Studiometry 4.x users.

- New Portuguese Translation
- Fixed a remaining date issue related to two digit years not loading correctly in newer versions of Studiometry
- Fixed a possible crash related to a non-existant Default Invoice Save location
- Fixed a possible crash related to editing certain To Do's
- Fixed a potential crash caused on certain machines by canceling windows with the escape key
- Fixed an issue where Studiometry sometimes wouldn't quit after using the Restore From Backup menu command

Download: Mac | Windows
Version History: Here


Monday, May 7, 2007

Oranged Support Site Updated

We have updated the version of our support ticket software used at:

The new version allows users to re-open closed tickets, merge tickets, and also should fix a few issues users have been having with the support ticket site.

In our testing of the new version, we have had issues with the Knowledge Base and specific Knowledge Base articles on Safari and Firefox on Mac, and we are working with the developer of the software to remedy these issues quickly.

Issues aside, we highly recommend the product and have been using it as part of our Studiometry support for over two years. More information on this product can be found at:


Wednesday, May 2, 2007

New Update Coming Soon

We are in the process of fixing a few small bugs for the next Studiometry release. There are workarounds for the two main issues people are currently encountering.

Currently, there are users (mainly on Windows) encountering crashes when editing Code Based report/invoice templates. If this is happening to you, try changing your Default Invoice Save location in your Preferences window > General section. This crash is caused if the folder marked as the default save location has been moved, renamed, or deleted. This issue has been fixed for Studiometry 4.1.3.

Some users on certain setups are encountering issues with the File Menu > Restore from Backup command. Sometimes the program will not correctly quit after restoring the backup, causing the copied backup file to be written over with the currently loaded data. This causes no data loss, but does not actually restore the backup file. To get around this:

1. Quit Studiometry
2. Locate your desired backup file and duplicate it
3. Rename the file "com.studiometry.plist"
4. Place the file at: Home/Library/Application Support/Studiometry/com.studiometry.plist
5. Launch Studiometry

This issue has been fixed for Studiometry 4.1.3 as well. We are expecting to release Studiometry 4.1.3 sometime early next week.
