The Studiometry Blog

Tuesday, October 16, 2007

Studiometry 5.0.3 Update Available

This update, which is free for registered users of Studiometry 5.x, fixes a few issues and also adds some minor features. Full list of updates available below:

- Can now add a description to a timer directly in the New Timer window
- Fixed an issue in the enter Timesheet window that could cause the project to change when re-selecting an item
- Changed keyboard shortcut for Project > New To Do to avoid a conflict with the Show/Hide toolbar shortcut
- Fixed an issue that could cause a crash when loading an employee list at the exact moment an employee is deleted on another machine on the network
- Fixed an issue that could occur in the New Debt/Credit window when changing to a category at the exact moment that category is delete on another machine on the network
- Slightly reworked some of the drawing of summaries, allowing for wider description fields when there are less fields selected. More advancements and flexibility in this area will be available in Studiometry 5.1.
- Added several new Invoice/Report Template variables: InvoiceTotalDueNoCur, InvoiceAmountReceivedNoCur, SubtotalNoCur, TaxAmountNoCur, TotalNoCur

Mac Download: Link
Windows Download: Link
Version History: Link
What's New in Version 5: Link
Purchase Studiometry: Link



  • Tom and Team. It would probably be a good idea to tell your users that Studiometry is NOT Leopard ready, but that work is progressing on a compatible version. That would probably save a lot of headaches. An email announcement would be ideal.

    Thanks guys.

    By Anonymous Anonymous, At October 30, 2007 at 8:27 AM  

  • Studiometry 5.0.4 is Leopard compatible. You can download this at:

    Also, Studiometry 4.x, as well as other versions of 5.x work fine on many Leopard setups. Accounted 1.0.1 also seems to have no problems in our testing on Leopard, though we will be releasing an official Leopard compatible version of Accounted within the next few days.

    By Blogger Tom Iwaniec, At October 30, 2007 at 11:34 PM  

  • So, is Studiometry 4.x really compatible with Leopard? I just installed Leopard, and Studiometry won't work.
    I'm a one-man operation that doesn't need the extra goodies in 5.0, so is there a way I can use 4.x with Leopard?


    By Anonymous Anonymous, At November 5, 2007 at 2:41 PM  

  • Studiometry 4.x has worked on Leopard in our limited testing on G4, G5, and Intel based Macs. It is not "officially" Leopard compatible however, as version 5.x has been available almost two months before Leopard was released. There have been some reports of it not launching or quitting after launching, so it may work on a per system basis. Studiometry 5.x has had full Leopard compatibility added, so if your machine doesn't run version 4.x on Leopard, the upgrade is always an option. We're sorry for any inconvenience that the new system software may cause, but we are unable to go back and update all old versions of Studiometry (2.x, 3.x, 4.x etc) when an optional system upgrade doesn't work perfectly with an old build.

    Studiometry 5.x will give you free updates until version 6.0 is released in late 2008.

    By Blogger Tom Iwaniec, At November 5, 2007 at 3:02 PM  

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